19 Hilariously Best Startup Memes for Entrepreneurs

Top Startup Memes

Being an entrepreneur certainly comes with lots of thrills but also ups and downs. Most of the time, things don’t go according to plan, but you have to roll with the punches. It’s only through moving that you can make progress. Progress in startups is anything but linear. It’s up and down till you figure it out. Let’s take a look at the lighter side of things. We’ll count down the most hilarious memes for entrepreneurs.

1. Started a Business vs. Getting a Job 

Startup Memes Starting a Business

Chances are you have been there. You update that Linkedin your new job titles and congrats come in but you start your own business nobody even comments! Even that one comment is a total spam.

2. New Idea vs Old Finished Project 

Startup Memes New Ideas vs Old Projects

That’s right you know what we’re talking about! You have plenty of unfinished projects but the new idea is just looking great and you can’t keep your eyes from it. Everyone struggles with this. This is the story of our lives.

3. Pitch Deck Promises Vs. Reality

Startup Memes Pitch Deck Promises

Remember that time Elon Musk did the new demo of the car window and things went horribly wrong? Well…this one really describes the states of having a pitch deck vs reality.

4. Full Stack vs. Full StackOverFlow 

Startup Memes Hiring a Developer

The first hire is usually like this. It will either come as a full-stack developer and launching it out the galaxy or will disappear all together. We hope you will hit the first one but won’t be surprised if things go horribly wrong with the hire. We have been there and see in it all.

5. Actually Building a Business Vs. VC Fundraising 

Top Startup Memes

This one is so accurate. Many startups can get distracted by fundraising. They spend more hours on fundraising as supposed to finding customer. Let’s focus on finding those paying customers.

6. Getting into Y Combinator 

Startup Memes Y Combinator

This is really what it feels like to score an interview with Y combinator. Battle after battle you try and try again! You will do whatever it takes and then comes all sorts of rejections or potentially accepted. Just roll in with the punches.

7. Client Budget vs Expectations 

Startup Memes Freelance

This one is so relatable! Often times clients want the best but budget is not there at all. There’s a big gap there between expectations and reality.

8. Minimum Viable Product 

Startup Memes MVP

This one is hilarious! It’s all about the Minimal Viable Product but there’s no MVP in the beginning and you have to show some mock up or something to show!

9. Spending money on ads

Startup Memes Spending Money on Ads

She wants cashflow but he wants to spend money on ads to get free trials with no paying customers.

10. Customer Service from the Bed 

Startup Memes Customer Service

This is one is more common now these days! As entrepreneurs you are constantly checking your email and chances are this is how customer service looks like.

11. Advancing Your Career During Pandemic

Startup Meme Career Path

We live in a world of distractions and this one couldn’t be any more true!

12. Linkedin Sales Pitches Coming in

Startup Memes Linkedin

As entrepreneurs you also get bombarded with sales pitches on Linkedin and this one couldn’t be any more true. The problem with these sales pitches are that they are right off the bat after connecting with you.

13. Reading too much but not executing 

Startup Memes Not Executing

We can talk strategy all day about the startup but if you’re not executing it’s over.

14. Startups During Pandemic

Startups Memes Pandemic

We know this already. Startups are brutal to build but building it in pandemic is something else.

15. Building without an audience

Startup Memes Building without an audience

We know this common symptoms among startups. You keep on building but without actually marketing anything!

16. Chasing venture capital vs. finding paying customers

Startup Memes VC Fundraising VS paying Customers

This one is so relatable as many startups try to raise funds without any traction or paying customers.

17. Learning from “Lean Startup Book” vs. Launching a Startup

Startup Memes Lean Startup

Actually launching a startup is radically different as you have throw everything out the window.

18. Launch Day at a Startup vs. First Year

Startup Meme Launch Day

It’s truly brutal out there for building a startup and we know it. No need to sugar coat it!

19. Startup Media is 99% on Fundraising

Startup Memes Media

Have you tried opening a news site on startups? It’s mostly fundraising, layoffs, and some random BS policy. There’s hardly any coverage for bootstrappers, which is why it’s exciting to see site like FoundersPress bringing a new fresh perspective to the news site.

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Eric Rafat

Eric Rafat is a passionate founder with expertise in startups, building high-performing teams, and growth marketing. He is a top ranked tennis player and always up for a conversation about startups and tech. Eric also writes on EricRafat.com

All stories by : Eric Rafat