List of Funding for Covid-19 Projects

Covid-19 is rapidly growing across the globe, USA, and Canada. Here are some funding and resources that tackles Covid-19. This list will be updated as we get more resources:

Government of Canada Funding 

Canadian government has announced a new funding for these projects. See here.

National Research Council of Canada and Industrial Research Assistance Program

There are two funding with NRC IRAP: The COVID-19 Challenges Procurement Program: NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program and Innovative Solutions Canada and the Pandemic Response Challenge Program: National Research Council of Canada

See the full details of funding here.

Ontario government Funding and Resources 

The Government of Ontario has launched Ontario Together, a new portal for businesses to provide: medical supplies (eg. ventilators, swabs, masks and eye protection), innovation (eg. virtual mental health services, supply chain resiliency monitoring, low cost online financial planning/advising for small businesses), and general relief ideas. Learn more.

Covid-19 Funding Projects Canada 

This is a funding for startups that address the virus in Canada. Learn more here.

Supply Emergency Coronavirus Ontario Canada

If you know anyone who can help with support emergency products get in touch here.

COVID-19 Collaboration Platform Ontario 

Check out this initiative by OCE here tackling Covid-19.

Accelerator Centre & FedDev Ontario $30K 

Funding for COVID-19 projects and services related by accelerator centre. This is a remote opportunity. Check it out here. 

Fast Grants 

If you are a scientist currently working for a COVID-19 project and in need of funding apply for Fast Grant – ranging from $10K to $500K. Decisions are made less than 48 hours. Check out the details here. 

Funding for COVID-19 Projects: USA, Canada, and Global 

Sam Altman has put out a list of projects that he is looking to fund. These fall into the following categories:

Producing a lot of ventilators or masks/gowns very quickly
Screening existing drugs for effectiveness
Novel approaches to vaccines
Novel therapeutics that the big pharma companies are unlikely to work on

Check it out here

Code Life Ventilator Challenge $200K 

This is a challenge organized by Agorize to address the global shortage of ventilators. Check out the details here.

JHU Covid-19 Challenge 

Johns Hopkins Centre for Bioengineering Innovation & Design is inviting teams from around the world to apply to compete in a five-day entirely online design challenge. They are looking to develop innovative solutions to the problems posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Apply to the challenge here.

The Corona Virus Hackathon Online 

This is an online hackathon to solve what happens after the #Coronavirus The economy will not be the same. Let us reinvent it. Everyone is wanted: teachers, industry experts, entrepreneurs, influencers, designers, and developers. Check out the details here

Help with COVID 

This is an initiative supported by Y combinator’s Sam Altman that has the list of projects, funding, and volunteers. Visit the site here.

WeFunder $1M

WeFunder is offering $50K for startups that address Covid-19. Here are some problems to solve:

Social interaction, especially for elderly
Homeschooling for kids
Remote education tools
Remote collaboration
Remote health and home workouts
Safer childcare solutions
New approaches to vaccines & treatments
Medical devices
Distribution of supplies to those in need
Faster ways to produce medical supplies
Better ways to fund small businesses
Better ways to support workers in lockdown
Improved monitoring of illnesses & quarantines
Spreading patient load across hospitals
Improving hygiene and sanitation
Protective clothing

Check out the full list and details here.

CFI: Call for an Exceptional Opportunities competition focused on COVID-19

The threat of infectious disease continues to be a major global concern for human health and is a key driver of healthcare system costs, human lives lost and economic turmoil. Through this Exceptional Opportunities Fund – COVID-19 competition, the CFI will invest up to $25 million with the objective of supporting urgent needs for equipment for ongoing research related to COVID-19.

Check out the details here.

About the Author

EricEric is founder of FoundersBeta with a wealth of expertise in startups, building high-performing teams, and product development. He is a top ranked tennis player and always up for a conversation about startups. Connect with Eric here.
