Startup Accelerator

Y Combinator Takes on Toronto

Y Combinator Takes on Toronto

top companies by valuation that have come out of currently invest $150k for 7% of each company. On January 18, 2019, I had the pleasure of attending a YC talk hosted by Eric Migicovsky introduced the audience to YC itself as well as his experience going through the program in 2011 as the Founder and…

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StartFast Venture Accelerator Chat: James Shomar

StartFast Venture Accelerator Chat: James Shomar

We are absolutely delighted to be chatting with James Shomar from How does one go about validating a business idea? Focus on data for validation. It’s about going out and getting real market data. Get deep insights and go through customer discovery. Remove people’s biases. What recommendation do you have for early-stage startups looking to…

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